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Severný Irak Júl 2017
The refugee crisis has had and still continues to have such an effect and impact on European states, in such that the crisis in itself was able to split the ideologically and historically united European Union into two camps, either for or against migration. One camp recalling the solidarity over the refugee crisis represented mainly by the German approach and another camp partly represented by the Visegrad countries often portraying migrants as a threat to their culture, sovereignty, stability and economy.
Despite the differences between their approach both camps were trying to answer several common questions such as, how to prevent such a crisis and how to stop and manage the flow of refugees and migrants entering Europe. All countries involved in dealing with the crisis have different ways of dealing with these questions, some more radical than others, but there is one common tool, which is quite often being overlooked, which is the humanitarian aid and development cooperation. Read more in Ambrela’s recent background paper, called ‘Development Cooperation and its Impact on Migration Flows’.
The publication is a part of the ‘SDGs and Migration – Multipliers and Journalists Addressing Decision Makers and Citizens’ project – realized in the framework of the DEAR programme thanks to the EU support. You can download it and read it in English language and in Slovak language.
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