Žiaci v škole v severnom Iraku. Irak Júl 2017
Today, migration is a highly polarising issue, dividing societies. It also wins or loses electoral battles for political candidates. In reality, however, it would be better to stop perceiving it as a phenomenon about which one can be “pro” or “against”. Like, for example, housing or education, migration is a natural and in a way, an essential part of the lives of individuals and communities.
Migration, therefore, is not in itself a “problem” which needs to be solved, nor is it a “solution” to other problems. On the contrary, what is necessary are political and legislative structures which create effective tools for managing migration so that it is as beneficial as possible for all stakeholders. The shortcomings in this area are obvious and not only lead to negative political and economic impacts in the countries of origin and destination but also bring human suffering at the level of individual migrants and their families.
The publication, called ‚Insufficiencies in Migration Management – and the Consequences it Entails‚ is a part of project entitled SDGs and Migration – Multipliers and Journalists Addressing Decision Makers and Citizens in the EU implemented within the framework of the Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) programme and part of project entitled Building Management, Coordination and Implementation Capacities of Actors in the Field of Development Cooperation funded by SlovakAid. You can download and read it in Slovak language and in English language.
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