We are happy to welcome you at the international conference – AMBRELA DEVELOPMENT FORUM (ADF) 2022: NEW JOURNEYS FOR DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION IN CEE in Bratislava, Slovakia (on May 23–24, 2022). Don’t you know what to expect from the very first Ambrela Development Forum yet? Check it out below:
1. There are more than 140 participants already registered.
2. International community from over 20 countries (find below the list of countries)
3. Cutting edge topics in 5 panels and 3 interactive workshops
4. Great opportunity to network – schedule your meetings ahead of time via e-mail.
5. More than 30 excellent speakers and high-level guests such, but not limited to:
– Ms. Ingrid Brocková, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Slovak Republic
– Mr. Jiří Kozák, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
– Ms. Katarína Mathernová, Acting Director-General, DG NEAR – online
– Mr. Michael Köhler, Acting Director General, DG ECHO
– Mrs. Miriam Lexmann, Member of the European Parliament
– Anatolii KUTSEVOL, Deputy State Secretary at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine – online
– Ms. Tanya Cox, Director, CONCORD Europe
Those who cannot attend in person can watch ADF livestream on May 24 via Facebook Live here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1720690228359979
State and donor representatives and/or CSOs representatives from these countries confirmed:
Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Norway, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus, Lebanon.
Note: Ambrela Development Forum (ADF) is funded by the Slovak Republic under the SlovakAid brand and the European Union thanks to the EURODAD (European Network on Debt and Development) via ‘Umbrella’ project and DEAR programme via the ‘SDGs and Migration’ project with its campaign ‘Faces of Migration’.
Copyright 2025 Ambrela - platforma rozvojových organizácií. Táto stránka je financovaná zo zdrojov EÚ a SlovakAid. Za obsah nesie výhradnú zodpovednosť Ambrela a nemusí nevyhnutne odrážať názory EÚ.