Did you know that Lebanon is the country which hosts the highest number of refugees in the world in relation to its population (every seventh inhabitant is a refugee)? It is appropriate to ask: How is it that this small Middle Eastern country has not yet disintegrated? In the light of the events of spring 2020, concerns emerge: How will the living conditions of the domestic and refugee communities in Lebanon, already burdened by the economic crisis, be exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic? And how are humanitarian and development organisations responding to it?
In our new case study, written by Dr. Boba Markovic Baluchova, we present the Slovak intervention by members of Platform for Development Organisations – Ambrela (ADRA Slovakia, Caritas Slovakia, People in Need and MAGNA). The publication ‚Examples of Humanitarian Aid Projects of Slovak Organisations in Lebanon‘ is part of project entitled ‚SDGs and Migration – Multipliers and Journalists Addressing Decision Makers and Citizens in the EU‘ implemented within the framework of DEAR programme. It is available for downloading and reading here..
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