The Slovak Platform for development organisations – Ambrela responds to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine with a two-day international conference – ‘Ambrela Development Forum’ (ADF). With more than 140 international development experts from twenty countries, it will analyse the effects of this crisis in five discussion panels and three interactive workshops, and seek solutions as well as recommendations for the entire humanitarian and development sector.
According to the data from IOM and UN OCHA, in the first two months of the war in Ukraine, more than six million Ukrainian people have involuntarily left their homes, eight million persons are internally displaced within the country. There were recorded more than 415.000 crossings through the border with Slovakia. The humanitarian and refugee crisis is significantly affecting the whole system of humanitarian aid and development cooperation in the region. “We expect this unprecedented crisis taking place in close proximity to the European Union – the cradle of democracy, one of the richest regions in the world and the largest provider of development aid to low-income countries – to have a significant impact on the space and state of civil society in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). And that includes Slovakia, as we already see in the field work of our member organisations. That is why we decided to organise the international conference – Ambrela Development Forum (ADF) in Bratislava. This event would offer innovative solutions to this crisis, as well as recommendations for foreign aid donors, governments and their development agencies,” explains Daniel Kaba (Executive Secretary of Ambrela platform).
The international conference Ambrela Development Forum (ADF) will take place on 23–24 May 2022 in Bratislava and focus not only on the presentation of innovative ways of providing foreign aid, but also on emphasising the importance and role of civil society in today’s world. The ADF is organised under the auspices of the President of the Slovak Republic, Zuzana Čaputová, and funded by the European Union and the Slovak Republic under the SlovakAid brand. It is divided into two parts – a less formal ‘Civil society session’ and a formal ‘Policy and Advocacy Forum’ for representatives of selected donors, government development agencies, the European Commission and the European Parliament, as well as national platforms, think tanks.
More about the ADF program and guest speakers
The role of civil society in today’s world, as well as the unfavourable trend of shrinking space for the civic sector, will be discussed on the first day of the ADF as a part of the ‘Civil Society Session’ (May 23 in the afternoon). The implications of the enormous mobilisation of civil society on the functioning of the entire development and humanitarian aid system will be also analysed during this session. The first day of the ADF conference will be attended mainly by people from non-governmental organisations who have been carrying out demanding field work on our eastern border and also directly in Ukraine since the first days of the war. More than 140 participants from over 20 countries have already registered to the ADF.
The second day of the ADF conference entitled ‘Policy and Advocacy Forum‘ (May 24) will be opened by the Secretary of State of the MFEA Slovakia Ingrid Brocková. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jiří Kozák, Director of CONCORD Europe Tanya Cox, Acting Director General of DG NEAR Katarína Mathernová, Acting Director General of DG ECHO Michael Köhler, and also the representative of Ukrainian government Anatolii Kutsevol will appear among more than 30 guest speakers (the full list of the ADF speakers and the program can be found here). This part of the ADF will be an opportunity for international development experts and civil society representatives to discuss their advocacy and policy plans with representatives from selected Ministries of Foreign Affairs, EU institutions (DG NEAR and DG ECHO), as well as international donor organisationsand development agencies. The second day of the ADF consists of three panels and three parallel workshops focused on the current aid logistics and humanitarian approach in Ukraine, the future prospects of the European humanitarian system and the official development assistance architecture, the innovations and the adaptability of aid organisations, as well as on seeking new finance for development in post-conflict countries. The discussion panels will be streamed Live via Facebook and YouTube channels of the Ambrela platform and ADF partners.
More info about the ADF organiser – Ambrela platform
Platform for Development Organizations – Ambrela is an umbrella organisation of 29 mostly non-governmental organisations in Slovakia, which focus on humanitarian aid, development cooperation, global development education and sustainable development at home and abroad. In June it’ll conclude the three-year ‘SDGs and Migration’ project with its ‘Faces of Migration‘ awareness campaign funded by the EU within the framework of the DEAR programme. Its aim is to increase an awareness of Slovak people about the reasons and ways of migration through the prism of the SDGs and also through the stories of particular faces of migration. More than 415.000 people have crossed the Ukrainian–Slovak border since the beginning of the war, therefore the refugee and migration topic cannot be avoided any more. Ambrela’s awareness campaign and the Ambrela development forum (ADF) are thus gaining new impetus and importance. More info about Ambrela’s activities can be found at:
Little ADF teaser and a summary in numbers
What to expect from the very first Ambrela Development Forum (ADF)?
Check it out below:
– There are more than 140 participants already registered.
– International community from over 20 countries (including Ukraine).
– Cutting edge topics in 5 panels and 3 interactive workshops.
– Great opportunity to network – schedule your meetings ahead of time via e-mail.
– More than 30 excellent speakers and high-level guests (speakers’ list available here)
Note: Ambrela Development Forum (ADF) is funded by the Slovak Republic under the SlovakAid brand and the European Union thanks to the EURODAD (European Network on Debt and Development) via ‘Umbrella’ project and DEAR programme via the ‘SDGs and Migration’ project with its campaign ‘Faces of Migration’.
Copyright 2025 Ambrela - platforma rozvojových organizácií. Táto stránka je financovaná zo zdrojov EÚ a SlovakAid. Za obsah nesie výhradnú zodpovednosť Ambrela a nemusí nevyhnutne odrážať názory EÚ.