The presented document follows up on the previous political document from the Ambrela workshop entitled ‘Development and Humanitarian Activities of the Slovak Republic in the Middle East in response to the Syrian Crisis,’ which described the approach and possible scenarios for the growth of Slovak development and humanitarian aid in the Middle East countries.
This policy paper already deals with the specific activities of Slovak non-governmental organizations in the region and their current challenges in providing humanitarian assistance and development assistance to the population, and proposals for improving the system of project implementation (for donors and other stakeholders). It was created as output and summary of the results of Ambrela’s research carried out under the “Global Goals and Migration” project and supported by EU resources under the DEAR program. The information contained in this document is based on the outputs of (i) the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of 16 July 2020 entitled ‘Adaptation of Slovak NGOs and their Partners oper- ating in the Middle East to the COVID-19 situation’, (ii) from a questionnaire sent to Ambrela’s member organizations on 11 March 2021 and (iii) from four interviews conducted with representatives of Slovak non-governmental organizations on 16-19 March 2021.
The publication, called ‚Challenges of Slovak nonprofits in Providing Humanitarian Aid in the Middle East Region‚‚ was written by Ambrela’s executive director – Daniel Kaba. It‘ s a part of project entitled SDGs and Migration – Multipliers and Journalists Addressing Decision Makers and Citizens in the EU implemented within the framework of the Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) programme and part of project entitled Building Management, Coordination and Implementation Capacities of Actors in the Field of Development Cooperation funded by SlovakAid. You can download and read it in Slovak language and in English language here.
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