Migration is a phenomenon that has accompanied humanity since time immemorial. A specific type of migration is the so-called brain drain, which is the migration of the educated part of the population. The consequences of the brain drain are different for the country of origin and the country of destination. While the host country clearly benefits from educated migrants, the home country is losing human capital through the emigration of qualified people, which we consider to be one of the prerequisites for development.
Read more about causes of brain Drain, as well as consequences of migration of an educated workforce in this background paper, called ‘The Phenomenon of Brain Drain and Immigration of a High-Skilled Workforce to Slovakia’. It was written by Barbora Frličková from Palacky University. This publication is a part of the ‘SDGs and Migration’ project – realized in the framework of the Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) programme. You can download and read it in Slovak language here and English language here.
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